Thursday, 17 May 2007

Allotment group prompts & stuff that needs doing.... from dan robinson

Here's a few questions and tasks. Please could you all post an update on what
you are doing...

Have you organised some voluntary labour for Rosebank? when -what- who????
How is the second life plot coming on?

We need to measure out the woodhouse plot and photograph it from above so we
can rebuild a replica in second life (see rich or mark about this - they
know whats needed)

Garden in H block:
Is anyone looking after the plants? Marion took some side shoots off the
tomatoes and I took some more off this morning.
TASK: look up tomato plants and find out how to prick oput the side shoots
- how much to feed them, etc

Eat it - its ready, leave a little bit then it will grow back.

Liz has it - Mark - do you want to get one cut and then keep hold of it?

there may still be time to put a late variety in - lets get digging and
Anyone who gets it together to get onto the plot can plant whataver they

Research outcomes / Future plans:
We need to find a way of communicating this short period of allotment
research and experimentation. the outcomes I'm aware of so far are going to

1. 2 neighbouring second life plots:
these will continue to grow and be used next year - your job is to set this
up so it can continue

2. Woodhouse plot 18:
this will also continue - we need your plans and proposals so this can
continue. (from really practical stuff like how to get key and tools sorted,
to more ambitious or abstract plans, designs and proposals for its future
use and role)

There has been alot of discussion, research, experiments and thinking but
its still all pretty hidden - you need to find a way to resolve and
communicate this work - your deadline is Monday.
lets get your images and writings sorted so you can make a decent
contribution to the publication

visions : proposals : designs : plans : schedules : diagrams : plots :
projections : findings : conversations : meetings : communities : characters
: weeds : growth : continuation : future : legacy : tools : blah : spades :
lettuce : gooseberries : physical work: next year : self-organisation

what are your responses to the reserach suggestions i gave you and other
things you've found?:
Leeds organic growers
oxley hall
seven samurai
uni students plot

Cross-overs with community, writing, craft-cricle and science-art
whats happened?
what are the crossovers?

I posted up for Dan


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