So today Rich and myself went to the allotment on Hyde Park, where we had the picnic. If you haven't heard already the idea now is that Rich and I will look after this plot, while Julie and Phil will oversee things on Second Life, so there will be some crossover between the real and virtual!
We bought a rake, a spade and some smaller tools. We also sourced a wheel barrow that was kindly donated to us by a second year. Any donations or suggestions are welcome, especially more tools, if you can help contact me, Rich, Liz or Dan. We took one of the tomato plants with us from ninth floor, with plans to plant the other too next week. We discovered a potential pitfall here though; being humble folk we obviously have to use those things called legs (remember them?) and while walking today the strong wind pruned our precious plant for us. I doubt much could have been done, it would have happened once planted if not while in transit, but the healthy 'trunk' and small fruit are still intact, so I think it will be ok. It now resides on plot 18, situated as best we could to give it light and shelter from the wind.
After working the soil a bit (a lot, actually) and a few hours graft we also sowed some sunflowers. I really hope these grow tall, partly because I have grown them sucessfully before, and also, they're pretty easy to grow so if I fail i'll be abit gutted. We also partitioned these off with canes and string, it looks nice and neat now.
Rich also prepared another smaller bed. We had a problem with this because some clever person before us had buried alot of glass. Or somthing. Anyway there was alot of glass under the soil, we're talking like a whole windows worth not just a bottle or somthing. But we removed it as best we could and that bed should be ready to take some plants, perhaps potatoes we think.
We plan to also plant some carrots, and perhaps runner beans as we we're told by a local that they will grow easily. We met a couple of the other plots owners, they seemed very nice and helpful. Didn't get their names though, which doesnt show much about my manners, but nonetheless.
So we have actually been working hard, as in physically. It's good though. and I'm shattered, that could be more to do with it being past three in the A.M. though.
Friday, 18 May 2007
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