Thursday, 17 May 2007

allotment update

Mark & Rich
take some sweet peas to the allotment too

Update since todays meeting with Dan

£7.50 left in budget - spend wisely diggers

basic equipment needed for site - 1 spade, 1 fork, 1 bucket &/or hosepipe

lets be resourceful and recycle, see what we can source for free

for Monday we agreed that
1. a practical plan of specific short term activity and future possibilities
Rich and Mark will elaborate i'm sure over next few days as they do it

this needs to be available for publication monday

the allotment team is - Mark Turner, Rich lander, Julie Williams, Phil Lazenby
'real' - Mark Turner, Rich Lander
'virtual' - Julie williams, Phil Lazenby

big event



all students welcome
announced officially in H917 monday 10am
bring gloves and bin bags if you read this beforehand

quick update on discussions
Julie and Phil have been building floating gardens- look out
hanging gardens of Babylon
-will you find out more on hg of babylon - nice related research
phil has been riding giraffes and trying to steal elephants!!

Kisa has been asked about the ground beneath the allotment - who owns it

(apologies for earlier blog & wrong spellings of names, Kisa not risa, and Cubist Scarborough not cubistscarborough)

discussions on engaging new students with project in September, how about a promo video heroes working the land
came out of discussions on making the allotment a land / nation / country; growing food to exchange for goods; readings of Marx?; creating a manifesto; having an allotment blog/website/ what to grow as a political act or symbolic nature /

31st May - evaluation of the project with Dan, 10.30 onwards... all team members

that's it for now

we havent discussed the H block 'real' garden - i have really been enjoying the lettuce with my lunch
any thoughts?
could this be with staff?
what should we grow in winter as not really a need to prepare soil etc
unless we design the garden

Liz Noble is an expert in miniature gardens - any thoughts? Liz?

another thought, at village shows does anyone win awards for prize miniature veg??
could this be a new nich? I had success last year with miniature pumpkin and squash


1 comment:

MarkAttack said...

Hi Liz, only just read this; so we will take some sweet peas next week!