Monday, 14 May 2007

Allotments Update

Well this is the first update any of us diggers have done I think, so It could be fairly lengthy. Anyway, on with the fun...

Leeds Uni Greenhouses

After we had got into our groups on the first day of these projects, the Allotment group set off for the Leeds Uni greenhouses/allotments, located just outside of Headingly I think. It is basically several greenhouses and allotments owned by Leeds Uni.
Because Dan uses the site quite often, I guess they just assumed we were from the uni too... anyway we ended up taking several plants from the greenhouses, re-potting them and getting them ready to be brought back to our humble 9th floor space.
In return for the plants, we dug and raked the soil of one allotment so it would be ready to be planted on again. A fair Trade, I reckon. We returned to LMU, and the plants are now situated on 9th floor. Which brings me onto...

Ninth Floor Garden

Among these plants are tomatos, lettuce, sweet peas and other assorted goodness. Located on 9th floor, obviously, in the big room we have meetings in. You're welcome to go and have a gander. The plants are growing very well in there, as it is south-facing, gets alot of sunlight, and has a slight draft blowing through. I've been told we're going to have to relocate them to our notice board area however, which might not be as good from growing in. I think it'll be ok, it's all in your head anyway, if you believe it will grow, it will grow! (maybe...)
I think anyone is welcome to add to it, or even better if anyone has any seeds they would like to donate that would be great. If you do start growing there, just don't over water the plants and let us know so theres not like five people watering them a day because they might drown.
Craft circle added some fake tomatos and lettuce made from felt (if this was msn, i'd be using the rolleyes smiley). No, but in all seriousness it made for some good photographs, and tided us over until they started growing, which they now have!

Rosebank Millenium Green

The friday of the first week we were scheduled to visit the Rosebank Millenium Green. The link to the homepage is HERE. This description is taken from that site;

Rosebank Millennium Green is a conservation area in LS6 near to the University and Hyde Park/ Burley. It is a relaxing green space for local people to sit in and is sometimes used for community events.

That overcast day we were shown round by Freda, who is the treasurer for the project. We had a tour of the whole site, which is about five acres, but spread out in a long, thin, 'corridor' of green space. She pointed out the various problems with the site, and we did some litter picking. The main problem she outlined to us is that the council have effectively washed their hands of the site; it's been passed on to the board members of the project to look after. The council won't even mow the grass or empty the bins. It's a catch 22 though as the council demand they keep it clean and litter free. Another problem with the format is, for some reason, board members cannot step down (at least not for a certain period) so people who started the project have either lost interest or moved away, but still remain as trustees.
The Rosebank is quite a nice area, located near opal court halls of residence. they are always looking for people to help out, so you can contact them through the above link if you want to. Rich was planning to arrange a day where we could get alot of people down there to help out, make an event of it. I'd be interested to hear your opinions on this, would anyone be up for it?

Hype Park Picnic

Last friday a group of us headed over to Hyde Park for a picnic in the allotment space Dan had secured. It was quite a nice day so gutted if you missed out. Craft circle very kindly made sandwiches and cakes. After we ate we had a small talk with some students from Leeds Uni who had been running an allotment there for a few months already. It was quite informative, but you could tell they were fine art students. Not that I have any predjudice for LU art students... nope, not at all.
Rich and myself then put in some hard graft and the allotment looked amazing. Well, the soil is nice and broken up, and weeds removed from one bed. Under the turf the old path is still intact which is useful. I think Dan is having a key made so we can keep working here; I think we are free to grow on it. If you're interested please contact Rich or me and we can arrange a day to go down and work there. This has potential to be run for longer than just this project (infact, it would have to be because by the time we start growing I think this project will be over).

So thats a overveiw of what we've been doing, stay tuned, should be more to come, including photos! Ooh visuals. You like that don't ya...


chris-to-pher said...

I want to go down and help out. ring me. I will go down, take photos and dig stuff.

mrkwhtmn said...
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mrkwhtmn said...

what do you mean fine art students?! maybe a case of "harsh but fair". don't forget our blog at

Dan Robinson said...

Don't forget the uni fine art students event tonight - from 7.30pm at 4 lifton place and woodhouse moor allotment - check out the link mark posted

(who's best at gardening - Art or Design?)

MarkAttack said...

haha, wasnt a dig (pun!) about fine art!