Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Regional Sayings.

We had a session today about defining what community meant. It was a really interesting exercise and raised lots of questions. One that stuck in my mind a lot was places, regions and what simularities occur in these regions that make you apart of that community. Sayings and phrases is one thing associates you with that region and community. some words we gathered are listed below. Please leave comments on this post adding your paticular regional words or sayings for things. Any sountheners or Londoners it would be good to hear your sayings as it was mostly northern ones we got today.

  • fish bits
  • scraps
  • batter
  • baps
  • butty
  • cobs
  • bread cakes
greetings or friendly names given like: mate, marra, dude, duck, ducki, love, lover, dear, our kid.

I would like some sayings also please. I can think of a few: "send my love with jam and hope it'll stick", "whats thy up ta", ok I can only think of two but i will do some research on this.


Anonymous said...

(positive words) safe, sound, sick, fit, tight, nice

(friendly terms to male) mate, boss, chief

...random all I can think of!

- Tom M

Anonymous said...

P.s. How do I make posts? I have a blogger account...

communityleader said...

Tom M send me your e-mail address and i'll add you as a contributer. That goes for any other yr1 gad students out there - i've added everyone who put their name on the list last monday but Chris is the lone soldier valiently adding stuff.